Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday the 15th!!

hai, hari ini 15 July...
hari ini World Premiere Harry Potter, aku belum nonton, kamu udah belum?
aku sedih nggak bisa nonton, kamu gitu juga ngga yang belum nonton?
aku ngarep banget hari ini ada sesuatu yang ajaib tau tau poster Harry Potter muncul di billboard bioskop terdekat. tapi ternyata ngga ada, tadi pagi sih udah sempet seneng banget ada brita satu bioskop nasional ngasih pengumuman bahwa film ini udah di-"coming soon"-in, tapi seneng nya ngga jadi banget habis cari info yang lebih akurat lagi gitu.
anyway, we'll see next 2 weeks or less or more what will happen. soalnya mereka sih cuman ngasih info setengah setengah gitu... jadi sedih lagi :(
bisa ngga sihhh masalah pajak pajak itu adanya di taun 2012 ajaaa *kirim dementor ke dirjen pajak* *satu lagi ke importir film yang belum bayar pajak*

oh GOSH!! i'm totally desperate when i know i won't see it on its premiere. the last film!!! LAST!!! feeling gloomy for many weeks!!!
after 10 years, i can't feel the euforia of the last film. that is hurts. hurts.
yaaa... katakanlah aku lebay banget cuman gini aja, tapi ini ngga sekedar cuman :(
well, buat ngilangin kangen atau mengurangi rasa kecewa sama ngga masuknya HPDH 7 part 2 aku bikin papercraft Harry Potter , patternnya bisa di download gratis dari CubeeCraft

is he cute? absolutely!!
i just hope i can see the movie in the cinema in Indonesia. Good things comes to those who wait, right?

happy waiting Potterheads ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rain comes, Creations come

hello blog!!! dingin ngga sih? daerah kalian hujan ngga?
tiap malem di Semarang hujan loh!! tapi aku suka hujan, datengin inspirasi hihihi
duuuuh udah lama banget deh nih ngga posting lagi, okey ini kreasi baru nih bulan April ini. kuliah makin sibuk jadi kreasi yang dibikin ngga begitu banyak. and i really more enjoy to sell my handmade products. it's FUN!!! i'ts proudable to know people love your handmade. i made more than i post here. jadi aku cuman nge-upload sebagian ajasihhh...
so... here it is...

Single Blue Rose. easy!! it doesn't mean make you feel blue too :p

Red Red Roses.

Fly High Angel!

Ruffle Lace Flower.

Red Eyes Owl.

Make your day colourfull with flowers.

Kitty Kiss!

Red Green Yellow.

Trapped Cupids!

Nah!!! aku nyoba bikin gelang loh hahaha i called it Lace Rose Bracelet.

dan ini cincin, i always love to make a ring from fabric <3

masih adasih yang ngga di upload, kebanyakan nanti isi postingnya :p
some of them has already sold. and i've just had a time to upload them here *sigh*
but okaaaay, it doesn't matter cause i just want you to know some of my creation hehhehe masih ngga bisa buka toko online dulu soalnya kuliah bikin sibuk parah. but you can contact me if you want to order some or one of them :p
jiaaaaaahhh malah jualan nih di sini !!! ahahhahaha
anyway, thanks for landing here. KISSES!!! :*

Friday, March 11, 2011

Manfaatkan Maksimalkan :)

Friday I'm In Home
i've just think how to package my products to sell all day, ya emang sih saya baru newbie gitu mau jualan tapi saya tetep aja pengen barang yang dijual itu dikemas dengan unik meskipun baru mau dijual ke temen temen sendiri hehe
dan kebetulan ada kertas amplop bekas bungkus barang kiriman kiriman gitu, karna sayang kalo mau dibuang jadi disimpen, saya suka nyimpenin sampah eh maksutnya barang yang biasanya dibuang tapi saya lebih milih buat disimpen karna siapa tau masih bisa di-recycle. jadi mama suka ngomel gitu karna kamar jadi sarang "sampah" :p
dan betul sudah saatnya kertas amplop bekas bungkus itu digunakan kembali, jeng jeng jeng!!!
goodbye buddies :')

produk sudah dikemas....

nah!! berguna juga kan "sampah" tadi, suka sayang aja sih kalo kertas dibuang gitu kan masih bisa dipake buat bikin hal lain. dimanfaatin aja semaksimal mungkin hehehe :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everything New

hai hai everybody, thanks for spending your time for landing here even a while :p
anyway, i decide to redesign and resetting my blog. just like what you see, new header, new blog title, and new url too. and one more thing, demi keinginan menambah uang jajan dan tabungan maka saya memutuskan untuk berjualan, menjual hasil kreasi handmade saya dengan teman saya. i ask her to help me for this job cause i don't have any enough confidence to do that alone, so........
but, i'm not ready to open a shop for online. mau jual ke temen temen dulu aja deh kayanya hehe
tapi nanti tetep bakal diposting di blog hasil kreasi kreasi baru saya :D
nah, jadi liburan semester kemaren lumayan ada kegiatan gitu bikin barang jualan. check this!

Bunch of Necklace

Finding Treasure


i have to prepare how to package them to sell, i really wish people can interest with these to wear hihihihi *cross finger*

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hold Your Bestfriend With It, Bracelet!

apa kabar blog? lama ngga diisi yah, sorry deh blog mbak lagi sibuk. and now i'm on my holiday!! :D
actually there's a lot of things i want to share here but i really have no idea what should i share first.. i think i need to remake you blog, include your header, your background and your url too.. but we'll talk about it later..
now, i really want to share about the last thing i made. i don't know how to call it in English, in Bahasa namanya sih Gelang Persahabatan. i made it for my bestfriend who will visit me next week hihihihi

i really sorry for the bad photo, it's kind of blurry.. soalnya cuman pake kamera ponsel habis gada kamera digital. i promise you i'll upload the better photo for my next post.
butuh kesabaran dan ketelitian buat bikinnya but it's fun!! ini pake pola yang paling sederhana pola diagonal namanya, biar sehari langsung jadi soalnya mbak mau menikmati liburan dulu sebelum nanti sahabat mbak itu dateng hihihi
after holiday i want to make it one more for my other bestfriend ;;)
barang buatan sendiri itu menyenangkan loh, dan menurut saya akan lebih dihargai juga sama orang yang kamu beri. karena itu buatan kamu sendiri :)


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wake me up when November End!!

This Magical Month were gonna end soon..
but i wont end by the magical of Harry Potter :))
have you seen the movie? yet? ohh... you MUST SEE the movie!!! cause it was amaaaaaaazzzzziiiing movie...
it told us about how we love our friendship with our friend, and lot of adventure!!
but here, i just wanna show you what i've made to end up this Magical Month..

my 1st Rose bib necklace :p

i'll wear it to attend "Pameran Budaya" di kampus temen besok, hihihi
Good Luck with your end-of-November!!! ;;)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Witch - Craft!!

ohh.. my weekend was end with rain all day long..
it was cold!! yes it is...
but i'm having fun with all of old fabric.. i used it to make the other thing of course!!
spend it in my grandma house, and my grandpa taught me to sew! ah, happy!
tapi sekarang cuman mau upload yang udah dibikin aja kemaren.. beberapa bros sama me-recycle pin bekas hehe :p

BROOCH!! i try to make some ethnic brooch, dari kain kain bekas yang ada di rumah eyang, and here it is :p

yang kedua ada PAINTING PIN BUTTON!! ini pin pin bekas gitu.. udah bosen sama gambarnya, dicopotin pin button nya terus diganti sama kain terus dicat-in, jadi deh....!!

Those.. what i did or made on my weekend.. what about yours??
it must be fun too right?! ;)