anyway, i decide to redesign and resetting my blog. just like what you see, new header, new blog title, and new url too. and one more thing, demi keinginan menambah uang jajan dan tabungan maka saya memutuskan untuk berjualan, menjual hasil kreasi handmade saya dengan teman saya. i ask her to help me for this job cause i don't have any enough confidence to do that alone, so........
but, i'm not ready to open a shop for online. mau jual ke temen temen dulu aja deh kayanya hehe
tapi nanti tetep bakal diposting di blog hasil kreasi kreasi baru saya :D
nah, jadi liburan semester kemaren lumayan ada kegiatan gitu bikin barang jualan. check this!
Bunch of Necklace
i have to prepare how to package them to sell, i really wish people can interest with these to wear hihihihi *cross finger*
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