apa kabar blog? lama ngga diisi yah, sorry deh blog mbak lagi sibuk. and now i'm on my holiday!! :D
actually there's a lot of things i want to share here but i really have no idea what should i share first.. i think i need to remake you blog, include your header, your background and your url too.. but we'll talk about it later..
now, i really want to share about the last thing i made. i don't know how to call it in English, in Bahasa namanya sih Gelang Persahabatan. i made it for my bestfriend who will visit me next week hihihihi
i really sorry for the bad photo, it's kind of blurry.. soalnya cuman pake kamera ponsel habis gada kamera digital. i promise you i'll upload the better photo for my next post.
butuh kesabaran dan ketelitian buat bikinnya but it's fun!! ini pake pola yang paling sederhana pola diagonal namanya, biar sehari langsung jadi soalnya mbak mau menikmati liburan dulu sebelum nanti sahabat mbak itu dateng hihihi
after holiday i want to make it one more for my other bestfriend ;;)
barang buatan sendiri itu menyenangkan loh, dan menurut saya akan lebih dihargai juga sama orang yang kamu beri. karena itu buatan kamu sendiri :)
Kreatif banget lu!! keren hep *pura" ga tau*