tiap malem di Semarang hujan loh!! tapi aku suka hujan, datengin inspirasi hihihi
duuuuh udah lama banget deh nih ngga posting lagi, okey ini kreasi baru nih bulan April ini. kuliah makin sibuk jadi kreasi yang dibikin ngga begitu banyak. and i really more enjoy to sell my handmade products. it's FUN!!! i'ts proudable to know people love your handmade. i made more than i post here. jadi aku cuman nge-upload sebagian ajasihhh...
Kitty Kiss!
Red Green Yellow.
Trapped Cupids!
Nah!!! aku nyoba bikin gelang loh hahaha i called it Lace Rose Bracelet.
dan ini cincin, i always love to make a ring from fabric <3
masih adasih yang ngga di upload, kebanyakan nanti isi postingnya :p
some of them has already sold. and i've just had a time to upload them here *sigh*
but okaaaay, it doesn't matter cause i just want you to know some of my creation hehhehe masih ngga bisa buka toko online dulu soalnya kuliah bikin sibuk parah. but you can contact me if you want to order some or one of them :p
jiaaaaaahhh malah jualan nih di sini !!! ahahhahaha
anyway, thanks for landing here. KISSES!!! :*
Aw! You've just started your own business! Congratulation ya Heppppiiii!!